《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)第四季将把焦点对准人工智能,该剧的两位主创乔纳森·诺兰(Jonathan Nolan)与克雷格·普拉格曼(Greg Plageman)对此感到兴奋不已。要知道在第三季的最后一集,《疑犯追踪》最初的故事前提基本已经不再成立。而第四季,观众将看到剧中主角们——芬奇(Finch),里瑟(Reese),肖(Shaw)和根(Root)进入了一个全新的世界—...
Found Love. Still Lost. Life & Beth returns for a new season filled with new laughs, new challenges, and new love. Come along for the wild ride as we dive into all things Beth....
Mike Epps reflects on his career success and personal struggles, touching on financial issues, relationships, and his signature comedic takes on life in the streets....