心里阴暗的哈里队长深夜潜入局长办公室,找到了拉萨雷校长年届退休的证据,哈里志满意得,认为这是顶替拉萨雷的绝好机会。另一方面,校长又送走了一批毕业生,在典礼上,官方宣布了拉萨雷即将退休的消息,而一生兢兢业业的校长也得到了在迈阿密颁发的十年来最佳警官的荣誉。拉萨雷校长携高塔(Bubba Smith 饰)、卡伦、泰克布雷、琼斯(Michael Winslow 饰)等一干优秀警校毕业生,与哈里一同赶往迈阿...
In Reasonable Doubt, you'll judge Jax Stewart for her questionable ethics and wild interpretations of the law until you're the one in trouble. Then you'll see her for what she is: the most brilliant a...
七十年代的海湾城警局里,有一位敬业又略显癫狂的警探大卫•斯塔斯基(本•斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰),大卫作风强硬,哪怕再小的案件他也要不计代价抓捕罪犯。而卧底探员肯•哈金森(欧文•威尔逊 Owen Wilson 饰)则几乎完全相反,肯时常装做匪徒打劫,之后借卧底身份溜之大吉。因大卫失去了搭档,上峰将他和肯硬撮合到了一起。...
This story starts in Italy very briefly, a young soccer player mother dies and the boy is forced to live in North America with Friends of the Mother. Burt Young is the Coach of the local team which he...